Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Mystery of the Missing Rajah

I’m still not entirely sure how I managed to lose one of my Breyer horses for several months.

Rajah is a Breyer Collector Club Exclusive model on the Marwari mold from 2014. I got him directly from Breyer and loved him when I got him. But then I lost him! I searched everywhere for this silly horse for months and I just could not find him. He was nowhere on my shelves and not among my show string. I never took him to a show, so I couldn’t have lost him somewhere outside the house. I racked my brain and looked for him for at least a good hour one day. For a while I just gave up the search for him and hoped I didn’t lose him and would find him eventually.

Last Saturday night, I was going through a cardboard box that was falling apart. Then, low and behold, I pull out something wrapped up in bubble wrap. I unwrapped it and was completely shocked to see I was holding Rajah in my hands. The little baggie with his tack was wrapped up with him too.

I had searched for him for so long and yet here he was in this box the whole time. I still have no clue how he got there. I don’t remember sticking him in there, but I must have. Perhaps during a rush to pack up for a model horse show?

However he got there, I am ecstatic to have found him. It’s like getting him for the first time again. I took him out on a little photo shoot the next day to appreciate him even more. Even though my shelves are packed to the brim at the moment, I managed to make a spot for him, for this boy deserves to be out and loved again after all that time lost.

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